I designed this website, so if you like that, you might like the other things I have in store.

LANDMINES & OLD MAGIC IN CAMBODIA is an infographic I researched and created for my MEJO 182, a graphic design course at the Hussman School of Journalism & Media, final project.
As the child of Khmer immigrants, this topic was important to me, as it allowed me to blend qualitative and quantitative data-visualization to tell the story of my people.

GETTING THE NEWS, an infographic I designed very early into my college career as a proof of concept for my graphic design skills, centering on how Americans consumed news media in the U.S. in 2018.
PERSONAL BRANDING. I crafted a logo a mockups of freelancing documents. The design centers on the concept of the "butterfly effect," which states, in essence, that the flap of a single butterfly's wings can, far in the future, influence the winds of a hurricane. The idea speaks to the unexpected agency of small things to have rippling effects in the course of time.
The negative-color center of the butterfly has a gestalt effect. One can view the shapes inside as just a continuation of the butterfly. Or, as a looking-glass peering into an odd shape of "another dimension." Or, even as the strands of the multiverse. How would we be different if we made some small decisions differently?